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11 Easy Home Remedies to Cure Muscle Strain

Muscle building is like a craze, especially in teenagers and adults, and at the time of doing that, they mostly over-exercise, which results in muscle strain.


Even though you are not a bodybuilder or sports person, still you have experienced muscle strain at least once because of wrong sleeping or sitting posture or muscle stiffness.


We tend to have a misconception that the treatment of muscle strain requires hiring physiotherapists, costly medicines, and so on. Just because of this, we neglect or tolerate our muscle strain until something very serious or painful happens.


All about Spot-Treatment and Self-Care for Muscle Strain

However, we have a few home remedies to cure muscle strain, which works magically. It is believed that the primary treatment of muscle strain should be given at the spot (home, gym, office, school, or any other place), even though experts are not there.


People around the injured person need to provide treatment with easily available products. If muscle strain occurs when no one is around, you can start self-care with these materials. In most of the cases, muscle strain gets resolved with that.


So go ahead and take a look at 11 magical products – cure yourself and others of muscle strain. 




It is believed that you need to cool the muscle first to get rid of the strain. As soon as you get muscle strain, get an ice-bag, or get a few ice cubes. Place the ice-bag directly on the muscle or wrap the ice-cubes in a thin cloth and gently rub it in a circular motion to cool the muscle.


Presently cool-packs are available, which can be used too. You will need to apply ice or ice-bag every 3 hours to reduce muscle strain to a great extent.




For strain in back or leg, it is a great home remedy. Keeping a foam cushion behind the back or keeping the injured leg on the cushion can be a great relief to muscle strain.





Compression helps to reduce swelling, but at the time of compressing, try not to wrap very tightly as that obstructs blood circulation. Also, after a few hours of wrapping, you may feel that it is getting tight. So feel free to unwrap and loosen.


Hot Water


Just like ice, hot water is also a muscle strain killer. A hot bath appears to be the best medicine, but if the strain is below the knee, you can alternatively take a bucket of hot water and dip your legs for a few seconds and then take out. Heat massager will serve this purpose equally.




Turmeric is well known for its medicated properties to heal any wounds. Turmeric, along with Bromelain, works as a natural blood diluting product. For speedy recovery of your painful joints, this combo is like an anti-inflammatory treatment.


Turmeric, when combined with milk and a few drops of ginger juice, can heal your muscle strain by avoiding swelling.


Pineapple and Pomegranate Juice


Both these contain antioxidants and enzymes which will heal your muscle and free the muscles by preventing them from bulging. You can prepare smoothies with pineapple and pomegranate and add ginger juice to this. Drinking it daily in your recovery period will work well.


Garlic Oil Massage


Sulfur and selenium of garlic are known for reducing muscle strains. Also, it improves blood flow and prevents swelling of the injured muscles.


You can prepare it at home by adding 2-3 crushed garlic cloves in slightly heated olive or mustard oil. Massaging it 2-3 times a day will help you to get rid of muscle strain. Skip this if you have skin irritation.


Clove Oil Massage

Clove oil is a natural analgesic element, and it can numb that area with its anesthetic properties and reduce acute pain. With fine strokes of massage, your muscle stiffness will be gone, and you can move your body freely again.


Apple Cider Vinegar


Among the other benefits, curing muscle strain is another plus point of apple cider vinegar. In order to enjoy this benefit, you just need to combine two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one glass of cold water. Adding honey to this mixture is optional.


Regular consumption will cure muscle strain but avoid this in case of any digestion issues.


Hydrating Elements

Staying hydrated is the key of getting cured of muscle strain. Any healthy fluid (even filtered water) will prevent muscle stiffness by improving blood circulation.


Epsom Salt


Epsom salt is known for calming the muscles and improving blood flow. Taking only 30 minutes bath in Epsom salt water will release your muscle cramps.


Along with immediate care with these easily available products, the following tips can give long term relief from muscle strain:


Bending and Stretching Exercise


Stretching can cure the strains from hands, legs, and back muscles. Bending is especially for strains in back and knees.


Remember, you need to do stretching and bending both under the guidance of experts. Avoid pressurizing to stretch or bend more, which may deteriorate the matter.


Yoga and Meditation


Yoga is one of the best methods to get rid of muscle strain by stretching your muscles but in a very mild way. Yoga is said to have the magical powers to heal any wound, but it needs some time to do that. You will need to allow that time to yoga to fix your muscle strain.


Meditation, on the other side, will enhance the impact of massaging by cooling down your body and mind. You stop worrying about pain and enjoy the massage. In case you are thinking too much about your pain, you will not be able to enjoy the message, which will decrease the impacts of massage. Meditation will serve in this purpose by releasing all stress and worries from your mind.


During yoga, avoid the postures which enhance the strain. You can consult https://starmarkfitnessstudio.com/ for guidance in muscle strain relief.


Other Treatments


An injury needs to be treated when it is fresh, and these easy remedies and exercises can give immediate heal to muscle strain. If these tips cannot cure completely, you may have to go for acupressure, swimming, physiotherapy, or taking medicines by consulting a doctor.


What Else?


Muscle strain means you need to take rest, which means all the workouts you have done till now will be wasted. You will definitely not want this so avoid over-exercise and consume healthy food. Drinking adequate water and avoiding junk food will keep your muscles healthy and avoid the chances of muscle strain too.


And the fact is you have to cure it before it becomes too serious. Neglecting the strain is never a smart idea, especially when you can cure it with so many home remedies. In case you neglect without giving primary care to your muscle strain, it will continue to obstruct the natural functions of the muscle, and in the long run, that can be dangerous.